Sophie the Monarch Butterfly: Mission to Mexico

Sophie the Monarch Butterfly: Mission to Mexico

Sophie the Monarch Butterfly: Mission to Mexico By Celia Straus Pre-order Now - Released August 2024 ​ Sophie is a small Monarch Butterfly with a magical eye in her wing that acts as a compass. When the Monarch Butterflies make their annual migration from North...
The Secret Diary of Stephanie Agnew

The Secret Diary of Stephanie Agnew

The Secret Diary of Stephanie Agnew by Angeline King Out Now The Secret Diary of Stephanie Agnew Two months into her first summer of freedom, and Stephanie Agnew is up to her neck in thran passions and holy intensities, having destroyed her lips, elbows, knees and...
Locked In – Daring to Break Free

Locked In – Daring to Break Free

Locked In – Daring to Break Free by Katrin Den Elzen   Out Now Locked In – Daring to Break Free At 39, Katrin Den Elzen has a charmed life: a happy marriage, two joyful children, two university degrees, and lives in her dream city, Perth, Australia. Her world...
Red Pandas Journey to Sikkim

Red Pandas Journey to Sikkim

Red Pandas Journey to Sikkim By Celia Straus Buy Now ​ High in the Himalayan Mountains two young Red Pandas, Connor and Mishti, befriend a shy Pangolin. Oblivious of their precarious existence, they dance and play together until a wise Sarus Crane disrupts their fun....
Rabbits and Other Immigrants

Rabbits and Other Immigrants

Rabbits and Other Immigrants by Julie Parsons   Out Now Rabbits and Other Immigrants – The Alan Parsons Story In the 1850s, the long arm of destiny stretched across the oceans and plucked young George Parsons and some rabbits from a village in England and...