Book Club Application for Authors

Register your interest in attending book club meetings.

We are building up a contacts page for book clubs so they may select books by indie authors for their future meetings. If you would like to add yourself onto the “database” of authors, the fee is US$12 per year and there is only one criteria, you must be an independently published author…

What do we mean by an independent author?
You part or fully funded your book’s publication
You oversaw the full project management of your book’s publication completely independently and control all rights to it.

If approved, the annual fee is $12 US dollars payable each January. (If you join part-way through the year, you will be billed pro-rata, however, for 2023 only, registrations received in October to December will only be billed $12 for 2024. Basically you get what’s left of 2023 for free).

So come join a worldwide network of independently published authors, keen to share their work with readers and to provide direct access for book club members either in person or virtually. You should be ready, willing and happy to answer questions, provide readings and of course, talk about any of your books that a group may choose as a “title”. You should also be prepared to consider extending a discount on the recommended retail price should the club choose to order a quantity of books through you.

Of course, there is no guarantee a book club will pick up on you or your titles, but as the saying goes, if you aren’t in it, you can’t win it… and even if not chosen by the book club, some of their members may see your book on a list and read it for themselves…

Must be 300px x 300px and less than 400Kb

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Visit our submissions page and follow the instructions there...

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