About Christopher Masterman

It is with great sadness that we have to report Christopher passed away in June 2021 following a battle with illness. RIP and condolences to all his family and friends.

Christopher Masterman was born in South London in 1942. His father was serving abroad with the British Royal Air Force; father and son did not meet until 1945. Christopher also joined the RAF where, with an MSc in aerospace technology, he served for 16 years as an Engineering Officer; at one time he was Prince Charles’s personal aircraft engineer. After leaving the RAF he worked for the European Space Agency in Austria before moving with his family to Canada where he joined a major aircraft manufacturing company and rose to be an executive. In 1992 the company moved him back to the United Kingdom where he eventually retired. In 2006 he moved to Australia and lived with his wife Elizabeth by the sea-side south of Perth. He is greatly missed.

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Books by Christopher Masterman